Faculty Details

Dr. B M Uzzal Afsan
About the Teacher
I am an Associate Professor in the department of Mathematics, Sripat Singh College. I passed M.Sc. in 2005 from Kalyani University in Pure Mathematics with special papers Advanced General Topology and Advanced Complex Analysis. I qualified SLET-2005 and then I joined as Research Scholar in the department of Mathematics, Kalyani University in 2005. I joined the department of Mathematics in 2006 in the department of Mathematics of this institution as an Assistant Professor and tile now, I am serving here. I did my Ph.D. degree from West Bengal State University in Topology in 2013 under the supervison of Prof. C.K. Basu. The title of my thesis is "Investigation of some covering properties". My reseach interest areas are Fuzzy Topology, General Topology, Integration Theory and Topological Entropy. I have more than 20 research articles published in differnt reputed peer-reviewed international journals. I have acted as regular Reviewer of different internation journals like Information Scinences(Elsevier), Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research, Journal of Taibah University for Science, KYBERNETIKA Journal, International Journal of Systems Science etc. |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Areas of specialization
1. General Topology
2. Complex Analysis
Research interest
1. Fuzzy Topology and related areas
2. Integration Theory
3. Topological Entropy
4. Covering properties of space
Teaching experience
1. Assistant Professor (25.09.2006-24.09.2020) 2. Associate Professor (25.09.2020 onwords) |
Book Chapters
Member of Professional Body
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Research Publications
For more details, please visit: Researchget Website and Google Scholar Website https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=d8682x8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate |
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