The College

Sripat Singh College
Vision and Mission
Founded in 1949 by the great Sripat Singh Dugar - the last legendary personality perhaps of the clan of the Jain Sitambar blue blood of Jiaganj, Murshidabad, Sripat Singh College, an institution of inestimable pride has emerged as one of the premier institutions of West Bengal. The dream of foundation stone of the noble institute was emphatically grounded with a deed (of gift) as offering bestowed by Sri Dugar. On 11 June, the College was affiliated to the University of Calcutta and, subsequently, on the auspicious morning of August 1, 1949, it took its first step as a co-educational Intermediate college. Afterwards, the college got affiliated to the University of Kalyani in April, 1999. However, the college is now in the festive mood of Platinum Jubilee Year in its glorious journey by imparting education with unremitting ethical values to the learners and helping them to get much-cherished self-esteem. In course of its exploration, the institute has assimilated the new values of education, the values as enshrined in the NEP, 2020 and all else like these and made a bridge between the past and present so that the learners may grapple with the challenges of the rapidly changing global society. Hence, the institute is imbued with a bunch of philanthropic visions and a set of pragmatic missions to be fulfilled. These are:
- The vision statement of Sripat Singh College is highly infused with the dreams of the legendary founders and the earnest longing of social perspective for having the light of higher education towards qualitative transformation of life guided by instilled epistle of ethos. Hence, it is envisioned to disseminate knowledge and the motto is embarked: EDUCATION SHOULD BE THE BEGINNING…
- To sustain the cultural tradition and genealogy of the institute;
- To create a vibrant system of governance – a framework of rules which is immensely naive for assuring cross-cutting method of straightforward roadmap of holistic tasks;
- To illuminate the young minds with the rays of wisdom and uncompromising empirical understanding;
- To cater the objectives of holistic approach of multidisciplinary education and the principles of equity and inclusiveness as enshrined in the NEP 2020;
- To instill the values among the learners for creating democratic fora and realizing the fundamental points of social problems and taking part in it as responsible citizen;
- To embolden the students to discover their own potentialities to be acquainted with the global knowledge society;
- To ensure an insightful focus on environment friendly issues and practices and to generate a congruous relationship between nature and humans.
- To strive continuously for the juxtaposition of different stakeholders with the enhancement of their capacities towards the accomplishment of academic and administrative goals as elevated in the Perspective Plan of the institute;
- To generate an environment of positive discrimination in the college campus to implement the maxim: education for all…
- To enlighten the first generation learners coming from primarily the agrarian region which is bounded by ignorance and social prejudices;
- To identify the committal areas of infrastructural development for the assurance of academic excellence of the institute;
- To encourage the students to involve themselves in the day-to-day academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the institute;
- To sensitize the students concerning social issues and motivate them to be socially responsible;
- To upgrade the classrooms including labs with ICT enabled facilities and modern equipment;
- To set up a complete digital library;
- To encourage the faculty members to be more research-oriented for pursuing incessant academic cultivation;
- To strengthen the scope of placement opportunities in the institute.